Mental health is a profound challenge that many people fight through, it becomes much more challenging for them to find the motivation to do things and complete their regular day-to-day routines and tasks that may face them. Due to the countless challenges and characteristics that mental health can bring, finding the motivation to complete their work and activities may become increasingly difficult for them. While completing activities, the challenges that may come to view could become so daunting that people may begin to lose motivation in their work, forcing them to stop seeing a point in their activities, so giving up seems to be the best option for them to get away from the challenges.
Aims and objectives
Aim 1:
Define motivation - this aim is to gain an understanding of what motivation is, allowing readers to understand what motivation is and how motivation can impact them.
Within this aim, the object I have chosen is to discuss the motivational struggles that could inflict challenges within people’s projects, furthermore, I aim to understand the reasons people get unmotivated and areas that could be improved upon toward finishing their projects. Another objective would be to incorporate real experiences people have had dealing with motivational struggles.
Aim 2:
Explore motivation - this aim is to explore what causes and hinders motivation, discuss where it all comes from, and ultimately what causes challenges among these.
For this aim, the objective I have would be to explore and discuss where motivation comes from on a personal level; exploring the psychological areas that contribute toward motivation. This aim also allows me to explore reasons that cause motivation and demotivation: exploring the challenges that motivation brings.
Aim 3:
Explore views on motivation - this aim helps to understand views on motivation, as well as how they gain motivation.
Finally, the objectives I have picked for this aim would be to understand people’s views on motivation, and how they find motivation; exploring further possible ways for people to gain motivation.
What is Motivation?
Motivation is the ultimate inducement that coaxes someone to do something: this is the need for people to get the satisfaction they desire, this in result, drives their motivation. Motivation is the driving force behind people’s behaviour and actions; the force that gives people the desire to do something. Simply put, motivation is the inclination for change, it is this change that people crave over, whether in the environment or themselves.
Motivation can be determined by social contexts, as the want to achieve goals and achievements play a valuable role in how determined people are to achieve them. Motivation can be increased due to the overall excitement one endures within a project, the personal challenges and goals that one might face, whether one is being forced to complete a project or haven’t much interest with the subject, or due to the possible health benefits [mental, or physical] their project may bring to them.
Source: What is Motivation?
How can motivation impact a person?
Exploring my own experience on motivation, I have established that it is vitally important to have a strong motivation about the topic or subject you are exploring; this is important as without a strong motivational connection toward the subject, the topic shall drag-out and feel endless. Within recent projects, I have been prompted with the struggles of losing, or not having, motivation toward said projects. As these projects endured, I became haunted by the internal critique within myself, attempting to force myself to complete the projects.
Struggling with motivation can impact a person in a number of ways, with the majority of people suggesting that motivation is something we all struggle with from time to time, motivational struggles can be different for everybody: with some feeling disheartened, frustrated, or incompetent motivation seemed to have a strong altercation toward a person’s feelings about their projects. Within my questionnaire, 100% of people stated that they have struggled with motivation, at least on occasion.
However, only 40% of people suggested that motivational struggles have hindered their mental health and overall feelings about something, with a further 50% of people showing uncertainty in whether motivation is affecting their mental health. My study has shown how motivation is a struggle everyone goes through, this shows me how motivation is incredibly important for people to work toward improving.
What can change a person's motivation toward something?
Motivation is the driving force behind a person’s commitment to do and complete something, it creates the joy and satisfaction of completion which people seek subsequent completing that thing. Despite the want for satisfaction, motivation can become increasingly harder to manage and maintain: it can cause people to be unsatisfied with their performance and force them to procrastinate and not complete the thing they were motivated to do before.
Motivation is a very challenging thing to keep, finding strong motivation toward something is essential for a person to put all their effort into it. Similarly, maintaining motivation toward the chosen subject can come with its challenges that one may face while completing the task - procrastination. Having a lack of energy or enthusiasm, self-doubt or self-talk, or a lack of commitment to name a few can force a person away from a task, but, luckily, there are a number of strategies that can help put a person back on track with their project or subject. Studies suggest that these tips may help improve a person’s view toward a project and could potentially aid them with completing the projects: breaking up the project into smaller, more manageable sections, making tasking into habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine, for every task that you don’t like doing, do something that you can spending an enjoyable amount of time doing, or do something that takes your mind away from the problem at hand to center your attention and focus.
However, there are a number of considerations that you have to consider in order to maintain that motivation you have toward the topic: burnout. Perhaps you are just burnt out and due to that, all the motivation you had toward the subject has disappeared as the feeling of stress and need for a break may become too much.
Cherry, K. (2023) The psychology of what motivates us, Verywell Mind. Available at: Motivation: The Driving Force Behind Our Actions (Accessed: 20 October 2023).
Lack of motivation and how to overcome it (2023) BetterHelp. Available at: Causes Of Lack Of Motivation And How To Overcome Them (Accessed: 20 October 2023).
Lack of motivation: What to do when you have no motivation (no date) BetterUp. Available at: Lack of Motivation: What to Do When You Have No Motivation (Accessed: 20 October 2023).
Samuels, L. (2023) 10 most common motivation Challenges & Easy Solutions, Oh, So Organized. Available at: 10 Most Common Motivation Challenges & Easy Solutions (Accessed: 20 October 2023).
Souders, B. (2023) What is motivation? A psychologist explains, Available at: What is Motivation? A Psychologist Explains (Accessed: 20 October 2023).
Appendix A1: Motivational Questionnaire.
This is a blank copy of the questionnaire I sent people, asking them about their experiences with creativity and how it has made them feel.
Appendix A2: Motivational Questionnaire (Responses).
This is the responses that people gave to the questionnaire.
Appendix A3: This chart shows the amount of people who struggle with some form of motivation.
Appendix A4: This chart shows how many people have complications with mental health brought upon by motivational struggles.